International Travel

4 fun things to do in Paris with kids

Paris, the magical city of lights is full of family friendly things to do. We were able to do so many fun things during our visit, I wanted to take the time to highlight 4 fun things we had a great time doing. Keep reading to get some fun ideas you may not have already had on your list of activities.

  • Try a cooking class

If you thought cooking classes abroad were a boring adult only source of fun, you’d be wrong. During our trip to Paris this year we took a macaroon class and Laila had the best time! Giving Laila the space to create in the kitchen is something that is really exciting to her. I feel like most kids really enjoy cooking and baking because it makes them feel older and gives them a sense of responsibility in the moment. She did such a great job in the class and was able to follow the instructions given to her just like the adults in the class. I did research online to find kid friendly classes and I’m so glad I chose the one I did. Take a look at the pictures below to see the fun!

  • Take a ride on a carousel

Riding a carousel seems to have a universal sense of fun. Every new country we visit and pretty much every domestic city we visit seem to all have carousels set up in the tourist areas we frequent, and Laila is always interested in riding them all lol. I saw a few carousels set up throughout Paris, but in my opinion the best one for a typical tourist photo is about a block away from the Eiffel Tower. There’s a carousel right across the street from the Eiffel Tower as well, but the pictures will turn out better at the one we used.

  • Create time for a break and have a picnic

Throughout the summer in Paris you’ll see many Parisians enjoying the warm weather with picnics in the city parks or along the rivers. We decided to have our picnic in the park at the Champs de Mars park near the Eiffel Tower (we clearly can’t help our fascination with the Eiffel Tower- blame it on us being tourist). We packed water, juice, fruit, croissants, and other goodies Laila enjoys and just enjoyed our time outside together. We brought along bubbles and a ball to have things to play with. We had all the typical things you would bring to a picnic; we just had a really awesome background this time! This is a great thing to plan if you want to take a break during your trip and just relax. 

  • Take a ride on the hop on/hop off bus

We typically take the hop on/hop off bus in every foreign city we visit to easily (and cheaply) get around to all of the main attractions I’d like us to see. You can buy one day or multiple day tickets and jump off at the sites you want to see or ride the entire route without getting off at all. You also get to learn history about each of the sites they stop at. For the most part Laila actually listens to the information given in the headphones and it has become a great learning resource. If you’ve never done this with your little one(s), give it a try and I’m sure you’ll be hooked.

Paris is full of great things to do with and without kids, hopefully you have the time to take advantage of these 4 quick suggestions along with all of the typical other tourist things available in the city. If you have any specific questions about the things we did on this trip or the location of any of these, feel free to ask me in the comments!